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Koalas - Year 2

Welcome to Koalas!

Our team: Mrs Cowley (Teaching assistant), Miss West (Teacher) Thur - Fri, Miss Oliver (Teacher) Mon - Weds


Key information:

The doors to the classroom will be open at 8:30am ready to see all children in for 8:35am

The school day finishes at 3:20pm

PE day is Tuesday. Children must bring in a full PE kit (a plain white t-shirt, black bottoms and trainers). Children must have their hair tied back and earrings taken out.

This term (Spring 1), Koalas will be attending Swimming on Wednesdays. For swimming, children must have a full swimming costume/trunks, a towel and a swimming hat. Like PE, children must have their earrings taken out. 


Curriculum Spring 1:

In English, we will start by looking at the poem From a Railway Carriage by Robert Louis Stevenson, and then we will be writing our own adventure story based off of The Dragon Machine by Helen Ward. 

For maths, we will start off focusing on counting money and solving problems. After, we will move on to looking at multiplication and division for the first time!

In science, we will start looking at living things and their environments. 

We will be going back to History this half term, specifically looking at nurses through history.

For RE, the children will be answering the question Who is Muslim and how do they live? Specifcally looking at the pillars of Islam.

We are looking forward to getting started on some amazing new learning.

We will see you all back Tuesday 7th January

Miss Oliver & Miss West


Curriculum Autumn 1:

In English, we will begin by exploring the story Troll Swap by Leigh Hodgkinson and writing our own stories based on this. This will be followed by a poetry unit looking at Zebra Question by Shel Silverstein.

For maths, we begin by looking at place value, consolidating our knowledge of numbers to 100. This will then lead into some work on addition and subtraction later on in the term. 

In science, for the first term, we will be focusing on a range of different materials and their properties. 

Moving on to History, the children will be learning all about the fascinating topic of the Great Fire of London. This will help to inspire us for our PE topic which is a Great Fire of London dance!

In R.E., the children will be answering the question Who is Muslim and how to they live?

We are so excited to welcome you back on Thursday 5th September and can't wait to get started on our learning journey together. Welcome back!!

Miss Oliver, Miss West and the Koalas team :)


Autumn 1 Learning

This week, in English, we have been writing diary entries for Tabitha Lumpet, based on the story of Troll Swap by Leigh Hodkinson. We have been thinking about the use of capital letters, noun phrases and using conjunctions and or because to join. 

Here are a few snapshots of our fantastic writing. 


Curriculum - Autumn 2:

In English, we will be looking at the story - The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark by Jill Tomlinson. 

For maths, we will continue looking at addition and subtraction and then moving on to shape.

In science, we will carry on with our topic of understanding materials and their properties. 

We will be starting our year 2 geography topic with food and farming - we may even get to taste some different food!

For RE, the children will be answering the question Why does Christmas matter?

We can not wait to get started on some amazing new learning - not to mention the KS1 Nativity!

We will see you all back Monday 4th November!

Miss Oliver & Miss West


Autumn 2 Learning

This term in Science, the children learnt that friction is a force that occurs when two objects rub against each other. To help deepen their understanding, we conducted an investigation where cars travelled across different surfaces.
